Security in Computer Networks


Home | Introduction | 8.1 What Is Network Security? | 8.2 Principles of Cryptography | 8.3 Authentication | 8.4 Integrity | 8.5 Key Distribution and Certification | 8.6 Access Control: Firewalls | 8.7 Attacks and Countermeasures | 8.8 Security in Many Layers: Case Studies

Security is a many-splendored thing; that is, there are many facets to security.  Techniques allow encrypting/decrypting comm;unication, authenticating the party with whom onw is communicating, and ensuring message integrity.
Communicating endpoints execute at nodes within an enterprise or home network.

8.1 What In Network Security?
8.2 Principles of Cryptograhpy
8.3 Authentication
8.4 Integrity
8.5 Key Distribution and Certification
8.6 Access Control: Firewalls
8.7 Attackes and Countermeasures
8.8 Security in Many Layers: Case Studies