Application Layer

2.2 The Web and HTTP

2.1 Principles of Network Applications
2.1.1 Network Application Architectures
2.1.2 Processes Communcating
2.1.3 Application-Layer Protocols
2.1.4 What Services Does an Application Need?
2.1.5 Services Provided by the Internet Transport Protocols
2.2 The Web and HTTP
2.2.1Overview of HTTP
2.2.2 Nonpersistent and Persistent Connections
2.2.3 HTTP Message Format
2.2.4 User-Server Ineraction: Cookies
2.2.5 HTTP Content
2.2.6 Web Caching
2.2.7 The Conditional GET
2.3 File Transfer: FTP
2.3.1 FTP Commands and Replies
2.4 Electronic Mail in the Internet
2.4.1 STMP
2.4.2 Comparison with HTTP
2.4.3 Mail Message Formats and MIME
2.4.4 Mail Access Protocols
2.5 DNS--The Internet's Directory Service
2.5.1 Services Provided by DNS
2.5.2 Overview of How DNS Works
2.5.3 DNS Records and Messages
2.6 P2P File Sharing
2.7 Socket Programming with TCP
2.7.1 Socket Programming with TCP
2.7.2 An Example Client/Server Application in Java
2.8 Socket Programming with UDP

The Web and HTTP

The Web is the INternet application that caught the general public's eye.  It dramatically changed how people interact inside and outside their work enverionments.  It elevated the Internet from just one of many data networks to essentially the one and only data network.
The Internet is yet another electronic communication technology with a major societal inpact.  E-mail and the Web, two of its most polular applications, have revolutionized how we live and work.
Perhaps what appeals the most to users is that the Web operates on demand Users revceive what they want, when they want it.
In addition to being available on demand, the Web has many other wonderful features that people live and cherish.  It is enormously easy for any individual to make information available ober the Web-everyone can become a publisher at ocean of Web sites.

2.2.1 Overview of HTTP
2.2.2 Nonpersistent and Persistent Connections
2.2.3 HTTP Message Format
2.2.4 User-Server Interaction: Cookies
2.2.5 HTTP Content
2.2.6 Web Caching
2.2.7 The Conditional GET