Inside Look at the Internet

1.6.3 Delay and Routes in the Internet
Chapter 1
1.1 What Is the Internet?
1.1.1 Nuts-and-Bolts Description
1.1.2 A Service Description
1.1.3 What Is a Protocol?
1.2 The Network Edge
1.2.1 End Systems, Clients, and Servers
1.2.2 Connectionless and Connection-Oriented Service
1.3 Network Core
1.3.1 Circuit Switching and Packet Switching
1.3.2 Packed-Switched Networks: Datagram Networks and Virtual-Circuit Networks
1.4 Access Networks and Physical Media
1.4.1 Access Networks
1.4.2 Physical Media
1.5 ISPs and Internet Backbones
1.6 Delay and Loss in Packets-Switched Networks
1.6.1 Types of Delay
1.6.2 Queuing Delay and Packet Loss
1.6.3 Delay and Routes in the Internet
1.7 Protocol Layers and Their Service Models
1.7.1 Layered Architecture
1.7.2 Layers, Messages, Segments, Datagrams, and Frames

Traceroute diagnostic program. Tracroute is a simple program that can run in any Internet host. When the user specifies a destination hastname, the program in the source host sends multiple, special packets toward that destination. As these packets work their way toward the destination, they pass through a series of routers. When a router receives one of these special packets, it sends a short message back to the source. This message contains thename and address of the router.